Skin Analyzer device

- The device performs all of the following functions:

- The device can give a clear magnified image of the skin layer and show the damage in it (examination of sensitive skin, redness, subcutaneous spot, skin pigmentation, follicles and acne).
- We do this analysis in order to provide the appropriate treatment products for the person and after taking a picture of the face, the system performs an accurate analysis of the data immediately.
- The device detects:

The percentage of oil in the skin, skin moisture, pigmentation in the skin and its causes, pore size, skin elasticity and sensitivity, collagen fibers in the skin, wrinkles in the skin and examination of the hair condition in the skin.

- Device features:

- A comprehensive report will show
- Analysis speed.
- Accurate results.
- Display a high-definition image using a high-resolution camera.
- Face recognition, automatically determining the face contour. To save time